Huwebes, Marso 15, 2012

Protection vs free trade

Our world is faced with global crisis nowadays. DEFINITELY! Coz’ there are so many indigenous countries that we were about to encounter whole-wide-world. And it will not be solved by any one country. Well, EVERYBODY should have a coordinated, fast and systematic effort in order to lessen the problem. However, protectionism will only slow down this process, and make governments wary of each other. Because as we all know, PROTECTIONISM restrain trade and a variety of other government regulations designed to allow "fair competition" between imports and goods and services produced domestically. With that, indigenous industries will become more complacent and non progressive. It’s been also a pressure among local industry and business for improving efficiency and effectiveness by protecting them from international competition that may lead to poor performance. If we had more protectionism, for example, we would not have so much gadgets and stuff that is made in China. That means the stuff would be made here by workers getting higher wages.  We would have to pay more for it. (Golly! It’s not fair enough!) There would also be NO competition in the market. There would be no INNOVATION and IMPROVEMENT of products. If we plan to buy a car made from US, surely, they’re just made from low quality! Of course, there’s no competition exist. Well, if that happen I’ll just buy car here in the Philippines. MURA na, MEDYO may quality pa! J
 Does it show that I’m against with Protectionism? Well, What is the use of protectionism if it can make the country and the industries it is trying to protect, less competitive on the global marketplace?
Because free trade leads to a global market, consumers benefit from the competition and variety brought to the market. When other countries produce some items cheaper, the consumer will purchase the product at a lesser price.
As a consumer, I am going to choose free trade because it will let the product to be improved because competition is more likely to happen in free trade. Companies seek ways on how will they innovate their products.
Free trade also creates more jobs because it allows countries to specialize in the production of goods and services in which they have a comparative advantage. ((-- to produce a particular product at lower cost.)) Due to free trade, there will be an enormous flow of money and goods between the countries which will be a very good thing for the citizens as prices will fall down.
As for Japan it will be really beneficial as it would not have to be dependant on China for energy. It will more likely to sell TOYOTA and MITSUBIZI! Lol. (: